Demystifying devolution
Location: Thika, Central, Kenya
Organization Name: | Zoom Advocacy Organization |
Grant: | $16,000 |
Year: | 2014 |
Focus Area: | Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation |
Project Summary
The project aims to train youths on the new system of devolved government in Kenya to help them understand how the newly created levels of powers will be operating, notably at the county level, as well as how devolved funds for young people will be allocated.
Project Description
Kenyans voted for a new constitution which was promulgated in the year 2010. Key among the changes citizens voted for is devolution. However, many people do not fully understand what devolution is all about. Our 12-month project 'Demystifying devolution' will entail teaching youths from Thika slums what devolution of resources and power means through use of films. This project will help the youths understand the various public funds available for them and how the funds are distributed and utilized. Our target audience will be members of youth groups/organizations from Kiandutu, Gachagi, Madharau and Kiang'ombe slums in Thika town. Our activities will include scripting films, recruiting and training cast and crew, shooting and screening of films in different locations of the slums. The film project will directly benefit 150 youths and create employment for about 20 of them who will work as cast or assist the film crew. Over 100 other youths will indirectly benefit from the project.
Project Outcome
This Project has not been completed yet.