Promoción de la visión laboral, emprendedora y ciudadana en jóvenes de la comunidad de Barrios Altos, Lima Perú
Localización: Lima, Puno, Peru
Nombre de la Organización: | Juventud Y Sociedad Latinoamericana |
Donación: | $25,000 |
Año: | 2014 |
Área de Enfoque: | Urban Economy |
MA DEYSI Y ROSA posted by JuvsolAmericas jul 14, 2017 - 1:02 EDT

JuvsolAmericas | jul 14, 2017 - 1:14 EDT
After one year of working hard, Deysi and Rosa got to pay their vocational studies. This was possible also with Isabel Moreno help as coacher of young womens entrepreneurs. The benefitiaries live in slum Barrios Altos, but they hope to improve and live better in harmony with community.
UYF JUVSOL 2nd phase promotion 2017 posted by JuvsolAmericas jul 14, 2017 - 12:16 EDT

JuvsolAmericas | jul 14, 2017 - 1:10 EDT
After hard moments in Peruvian coast populations due to Overflows and floods by the "phenomenon of the child" that afected houses close to Rimac River, JUVSOL prepared a second phase of our "Youth at work, and cotizenship vision promotion" project, starting with solidarity from young people to affected families, distributing water for free,
Teresa wanted to be a model, for that sge decided the better is drop out school just in the last year! Her friends at Juvsol are helping her to decide to come back meanwhile there is a part time job on the horizon by JuvsolAmericas ene 28, 2016 - 1:39 EST

Carmen stopped studies at high school, she needed to work and Juvsol helped her wiyh mobility and lunch for a time of 2015 by JuvsolAmericas ene 28, 2016 - 1:34 EST

AIDS Fight and employment stand! a good action of Sharom and Angela wiyh teacher Rosa. They also celebrated children day in Lima by JuvsolAmericas ene 28, 2016 - 1:29 EST

sharon s baby is called to silence by coordinator ! in 2015 she was correctly assisted to prevent domestic violence, and perform a good work by JuvsolAmericas ene 28, 2016 - 1:00 EST

Coordinator Team of Project JOVENES PARA EL TRABAJO ! with support of U.Y.F. ONU Habitat by JuvsolAmericas ene 28, 2016 - 12:54 EST

Strenghtening youths learning in development of competences by JuvsolAmericas ene 28, 2016 - 12:43 EST
From october 2015 until now, JUVSOL continue with key activities for labour vision and entrepreneurial vision of young people in our community, Barrios Altos in Lima PERU
Monitoring by JuvsolAmericas oct 7, 2015 - 12:20 EDT
September is programmed for monitoring and evaluation activities on the early second phase activities of our project. Even there is a delay with financial support, we try to do our best to launch... view more.
JuvsolAmericas | jul 14, 2017 - 1:18 EDT
This is the thinking de Alejandra Ortiz Ccopa, a young mother that used to survive as street seller, thanks to UYF - JUVSOL intervention, in 2016 she is finishing high school studies together with vocational training like accounting asistant, She was engaged in a pilot government program to finish high scholl, but she remain studying due to strong motivation by JUVSOL Team.