Promoción de la visión laboral, emprendedora y ciudadana en jóvenes de la comunidad de Barrios Altos, Lima Perú

Localización: Lima, Puno, Peru

Nombre de la Organización: Juventud Y Sociedad Latinoamericana
Donación: $25,000
Año: 2014
Área de Enfoque: Urban Economy

VID 20150918 180053

  • JuvsolAmericas | jul 14, 2017 - 1:18 EDT

    This is the thinking de Alejandra Ortiz Ccopa, a young mother that used to survive as street seller, thanks to UYF - JUVSOL intervention, in 2016 she is finishing high school studies together with vocational training like accounting asistant, She was engaged in a pilot government program to finish high scholl, but she remain studying due to strong motivation by JUVSOL Team.